Thursday, April 15

Spring is Here!

I took my camera along with me shopping last week so that I could snap some shots along the way (for my blog of course). On my way home, I took a short cut through just an ordinary, well in fact a rather ugly backyard. 

Amidst the hideous backdrop that the surrounding apartment buildings made, I found a rather skimpy untamed yellow bush, parked my little shopping cart full of groceries and snapped a few shots of that skimpy yellow bush along with the surrounding trees. I realized after I took a few shots the real truth in the saying;

"There is beauty in everything."

You know, there really is.

maybe all besides the dingy pink, 1970s apartment buildings, which is why I did my best to crop them out.



Mom, Aunt, Grandma Ehat or Lori said...

Spring is springing all around - YEAH!!! Great pics my daughter dear!

Hilmola said...


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McKenna Ehat
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